Automatically link a user's assets to their tickets

⚠️ This feature requires the issue reporter to have an Atlassian account in order to work. Users with Portal-only accounts are not supported as we're unable to sync them to the Users section in AMFJ.

To enable this feature, you will need to manually update Asset Management for Jira to the latest version.

Manual approval is needed for this update as we are requesting additional permissions to create custom fields in your Jira site.

To update to the latest version, navigate to Apps > Manage your apps and click on the Update button next to AMFJ.

The Linked Assets custom field can be automatically populated based on the "Reporter" of the ticket.

In order to configure this, navigate to the Settings tab in AMFJ, and enable the option to Automatically link a user's assets to tickets.

Once enabled, AMFJ will automatically link populate the linked assets field with any assets where the asset loanee field matches the issue's reporter field.

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