What are Asset Types?

Asset Types describe the category an asset belongs to, such as “laptops”, “,monitors”, etc.

Every asset needs to belong to a category, so you’ll need to set these up before adding assets. If you're importing assets using our CSV importer, you can specify an Asset Type column and we will add them during the import process.

Asset Types consist of fields representing the properties that an asset can have. For example a laptop may have the fields: “Processor”, “RAM”, and “Vendor”.

We provide a few fields out of the box, and you can select them and create new ones when setting up your asset type.

Creating and Editing Fields

You can create new fields by clicking on the 'Create Field' button.

To edit a field, click on a field, and then update it from the modal that appears.

There are 4 types of fields to choose from:

  1. Date: Used for storing dates. (Date purchased, warranty expiration, etc.)
  2. Text: Anything can be input into this field, numbers, letters etc.
  3. Dropdown: Lets you define a set of options to select from when creating a new asset or editing an asset. For example, a field called “ Status” could have pre-populated options to choose from: “Deployed", "In Stock", "Out for Repair", etc.
  4. Number: Allows you to store numeric values such as serial number. 

Make your custom fields required

Whether you are updating an existing field or creating a new one it is easy to make any one of your custom fields a required field. Simply toggle the required switch to the ON position and click update or create.

Re-ordering Fields

Configure the order in which the fields are displayed when viewing details about an asset by simply dragging the fields to reorder them.

Removing a custom field is a breeze as well. Just select the field from your list that you wish to eliminate, and then hit the Delete button.

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